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Dear reader, We’ve got bumper political coverage this week, as the news flow is steadily increasing ahead of the GE. Check it out now to keep abreast of developments. “Singapore This Week”.  * Joshua Raj Thomas’s selection is the clearest sign yet of the PAP’s desperation * Politicians from...

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The first-ever NMP to join partisan politics; an evening with Tay Kheng Soon, architect, author, and raconteur; Chia Boon Teck thinks he’s living in 1925; ChatGPT for prompt emotional support; decarbonising rice; a new venue for immersive shows; Grab’s big move in Indonesia; and more.

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Dear reader, “Singapore This Week”.  * Why Ng Chee Meng is the luckiest Singaporean * Lawrence Wong rubber-stamps a Palestinian initiative * The floundering shoe recycling project by SportSG and Dow * Singapore’s “post and boast” fraudsters * A roadmap towards ending the ferrying of workers in the backs of lorries * Masjid Madani, a...

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The lucky Ng Chee Meng; few takers for shoe recycling project; social media making crime glamorous; a fresh proposal to end transport by lorry for migrant workers; a temple makes way for a mosque in Kuala Lumpur; a new Tamil theatre company; AI in beer; and more.

Our latest product


Not just another tote bag, but a better one. Stylish, durable and versatile, thanks to roomy external pockets and a flat base inside. And you get to tell the world: write, read, think, act.


[Bundle] Get a 10 percent discount when you buy both together.


Featuring an essay each by members of Jom’s editorial team, and many others, all within the themes of “Activism”, “Ecology” and “Music”.


Featuring original work around the themes of “Housing”, “Leftists” and the “Arts”, including a foldout housing map by Kontinentalist.

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