A Swiftie reflects on the extremes of adolescence as seen through fandom and internet culture, remembering how Taylor Swift’s music punctuated key technological changes in her life, and offered her space for self-reflection and growth.
A Swiftie reflects on the extremes of adolescence as seen through fandom and internet culture, remembering how Taylor Swift’s music punctuated key technological changes in her life, and offered her space for self-reflection and growth.
The hefty 1,700-page, four-volume tome replete with the Pang family’s history, biographies and accomplishments reveals itself to a new generation of English-language readers, centuries later.
Two malls take their final bow, leaving us with dreamy memories of time gone.
Even with secondary school streaming in Singapore set to be abolished by 2024, it'll take more than a policy change to uproot entrenched attitudes towards competitive learning and innate intelligence.
Lei cha, or thunder tea rice, is a dish that reflects the nomadic lifestyle of the Hakkas, their ability to adapt to local circumstances, and the importance of community.
By framing the traditional family unit as fundamental to Singapore’s survival, we deprive ourselves of the chance to shape a more expansive, inclusive vision of love, family, and society.
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