The lure of multi-level marketing, more Singaporean women freezing their eggs, review of HIV disclosure law, how the north-east monsoon has shaped South-east Asia’s history, Singapore Palestine Film Festival at The Projector, and more.
Dear reader, Hello from the whole Jom team. We’re co-writing this final newsletter of the year. Final? Well, for those who’ve only recently joined our Jommunity, we’re all off for the last two weeks of the year, and for one week in June. We’ll maintain this...
Land use decisions could benefit more people, improving sex ed in Singapore, “rizz” is word of the year, thousands more likely to die by Christmas in Gaza, art to end and start the year, AI growth in SG, and more.
Jom’s first print issue is now on sale for S$36, which includes domestic shipping. We’ve got a limited run, so get your copy now.
Dear reader, Thanks to those of you who showed up last weekend for our print launch at the Ethos Festive Market! It was great chatting with you, while being able to hold a physical copy of Jom. Hopefully it’s the first of many. For those who ordered your copy...
Singapore’s love of Kissinger and what that means, only the lonely among the elderly, HIV cases on the rise here, Cultural Medallion winners, TikTok exploring stake in Tokopedia to expand e-commerce offering, and more.