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S Iswaran’s jail sentence; the fallout from the East-West line disruption; the seeming twilight of mamak stalls; the landlady who refuses to sell land worth S$70m on which sits Singapore’s last kampung; the late Alfred Wong, modernist architect; the Sea Group’s expansion in Thailand; and more.

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Dear reader, “Singapore This Week”. In our weekly digest, we talk about S Iswaran’s guilty plea; youth mental health concerns; declining discrimination in the workplace; attempts by the legal fraternity to improve work-life balance and access to justice; the Genealogy Society of Singapore’s donation to the National Library...

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Iswaran denies popcorn lovers; the mental health travails of Singapore's young; workplace discrimination on the wane, but gaps remain; Singapore fleegal; family trees flourishing at NLB; the chapter closes on Epigram's physical bookstore; Deliveroo hops away from cloud kitchens, and more.

Our latest product


Not just another tote bag, but a better one. Stylish, durable and versatile, thanks to roomy external pockets and a flat base inside. And you get to tell the world: write, read, think, act.


[Bundle] Get a 10 percent discount when you buy both together.


Featuring an essay each by members of Jom’s editorial team, and many others, all within the themes of “Activism”, “Ecology” and “Music”.


Featuring original work around the themes of “Housing”, “Leftists” and the “Arts”, including a foldout housing map by Kontinentalist.

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