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Hackers wipe out data on student devices, Singapore's GDP per capita loses sheen when adjusted for hours worked, Ministry of Finance's AI-generated ads are nightmare fuel, Google's monopoly draws comparisons with the East India Company, edible theatre stages and more.

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Dear reader, “Singapore This Week”. In our weekly digest, we discuss blackface at Raffles Institution, Lim Tean’s nativism, and their respective connections to the historical words and contemporary policies of the ruling People’s Action Party; bike-sharing in Singapore; the late Nona Asiah, singer extraordinaire; “LIMINAL Space”, a micro-documentary...

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Singapore must prioritise the creation of clear, transparent pathways that enable transgender Singaporeans, including youths, to access the appropriate care that they need.

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Calling out racism and xenophobia, bike-sharing on the right track perhaps, singer extraordinaire Nona Asiah dies at 92, new documentary “LIMINAL Space” explores the dimensions of migrant workers’ lives, an agreement with the US on nuclear energy knowledge-sharing, and more.

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Dear reader, A newsletter in three parts. “Singapore This Week”. In our weekly digest, we look at why Singapore handed the “Donald Trump of Beijing” some Foreign Interference (Countermeasures) Act (FICA) directives; help for low-income transnational families; the second volume of S.Rajaratnam’s biography is released, the passing of...

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