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Government asks Israeli Embassy to remove Facebook post, Tharman films himself approving Budget, foreign domestic workers turn to gold to help with precarity, Singapore’s the happiest place in Asia, poets gather for another round of SingPoWriMo, bike-sharing market shrinks, and more.

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Dear reader, In “Singapore This Week”, we analyse the event that’s enlivened some Singaporeans, and enraged others, in a possible general election (GE) year: the Attorney-General’s Chambers has charged Pritam Singh, the Workers’ Party chief and leader of the opposition, with two counts of lying to a parliamentary...

Dan Koh   |  

A conservative kampung, a racy new lingerie store, a whole host of irresistible characters—our reviewer Dan Koh enters the charming world of “La Luna”, director M Raihan Halim’s contemporary evocation of the Golden Age of Malayan cinema.

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Workers’ Party chief charged with two counts of lying, gender equality not a “zero-sum” game, in whom do we trust, saving the Singapore Indoor Stadium, Eugene Tan’s many hats, the countdown on TikTok in the US, and more.

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Dear reader, We’ve got an announcement about our new head of content at the end of this newsletter, but first: what can Singapore learn from efforts globally to recognise and improve indigenous rights? How can we do so in a way that’s inclusive, that’s cognisant of successive...

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