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As the accusations of genocide against Israel grow, we examine the history and power of the word, the evidence in Gaza today, and the connections between ordinary Singaporeans and Israel’s actions.

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Education Ministry refuses to share controversial Israel-Gaza slides, police given more powers to apprehend people with mental disorders, opposition MPs drill down on job numbers, the new Changi Heritage Trail, fresh perspectives on familiar artworks at new National Gallery exhibitions, and more.

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Dear reader, In “Singapore This Week”, we start by critically examining two social media posts this past week. One is a video put out by our rising influencer of a president, Tharman Shanmugaratnam. How visible on social media should our president be? And which issues and personalities should he be...

Chan Li Shan   |  

Proposed amendments to laws will give the police greater powers to arrest those who are “mentally disordered”. One mental health researcher and advocate warns about the risks of these well-meaning changes.

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Government asks Israeli Embassy to remove Facebook post, Tharman films himself approving Budget, foreign domestic workers turn to gold to help with precarity, Singapore’s the happiest place in Asia, poets gather for another round of SingPoWriMo, bike-sharing market shrinks, and more.

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Dear reader, In “Singapore This Week”, we analyse the event that’s enlivened some Singaporeans, and enraged others, in a possible general election (GE) year: the Attorney-General’s Chambers has charged Pritam Singh, the Workers’ Party chief and leader of the opposition, with two counts of lying to a parliamentary...

Our latest product


Not just another tote bag, but a better one. Stylish, durable and versatile, thanks to roomy external pockets and a flat base inside. And you get to tell the world: write, read, think, act.


[Bundle] Get a 10 percent discount when you buy both together.


Featuring an essay each by members of Jom’s editorial team, and many others, all within the themes of “Activism”, “Ecology” and “Music”.


Featuring original work around the themes of “Housing”, “Leftists” and the “Arts”, including a foldout housing map by Kontinentalist.

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