Another general election, another impartial boundary report.
Another general election, another impartial boundary report.
Jom’s arts editor wanders through Yee I-Lann’s stunning survey show at the Singapore Art Museum. The Sabahan artist may insist she’s a poor weaver of mats, but she’s certainly a powerful weaver of worlds.
EBRC redraws electoral boundaries; poor nutritional value in migrant workers’ food; clampdown on Personal Mobility Aids; technology encroaches into history; Lady Gaga visiting in May; Chocolate Finance in trouble; and more.
A critic’s third watch of Wild Rice’s sprawling play “Hotel” prompts questions about how we might sojourn through a national history from a room with a specific view. Since its first staging in 2015, how has “Hotel” played host to Singapore’s societal and political changes?
Making politicians’ asset declarations public, face-shaming litterbugs, the historical threads of Glass and Swift’s musical repertoires, Kampong Gelam artwalk, Temasek in early discussions to invest in OpenAI, and more.
Dear reader, * Jom’s essay of the week: “Taylor Swift and the teenage experience” by Jean Hew, our head of research, is something you must read now to understand the person who is defining “the cultural zeitgeist in a way we’ve perhaps not seen since Michael Jackson or The...
A Swiftie reflects on the extremes of adolescence as seen through fandom and internet culture, remembering how Taylor Swift’s music punctuated key technological changes in her life, and offered her space for self-reflection and growth.
Another blow for PSP, MOE under fire for its attempt to teach students about Palestine, Singapore criticised for exclusive Taylor Swift deal, literary pioneer Suratman Markasan dies at 94, an art exhibition by seniors for seniors, Grab in the black for the first time, and more.
Dear reader, It’s Jean, Jom’s head of research, taking over newsletter writing duties! Here’s an overview of our issue this week: * Jom’s essay: “Splice’s guide to your media future”, written by our editor-in-chief and self-proclaimed “word geek”, Sudhir Vadaketh. He meditates on his experience attending...
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Featuring an essay each by members of Jom’s editorial team, and many others, all within the themes of “Activism”, “Ecology” and “Music”.
Featuring original work around the themes of “Housing”, “Leftists” and the “Arts”, including a foldout housing map by Kontinentalist.
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