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Law Zi-Ting   |  

Through the process of making onde-onde, Berlin-based writer Law Zi-Ting meditates on what it means to embrace ambiguity and unpredictability in a world that operates on data and strict binaries. “Steam sweet potato until tender.”

Jom   |  

White supremacy in Singapore, fewer teenage pregnancies, preserving our heritage trades, spotlighting new writing in theatre, leaping into green tech, and more.

Jom   |  

Dear reader, Corrie Tan, Jom’s newish arts editor, has today published her first* piece of criticism for us, on “The Vault: Past Perfect”, a piece of documentary theatre that reveals how the Singaporean theatre industry has come of age.  “If we think of grammar as a linguistic structure within...

Jom   |  

Iswaran charged with multiple offences, a very important panda heads home, commuters cry foul over SimplyGo transition, Malayan revolutionary Che’ Dat Bin Anjang Abdullah dies at 101, M1 Singapore Fringe Festival opens, Shein investigation could scupper IPO, and more.

Our latest product


Not just another tote bag, but a better one. Stylish, durable and versatile, thanks to roomy external pockets and a flat base inside. And you get to tell the world: write, read, think, act.


[Bundle] Get a 10 percent discount when you buy both together.


Featuring an essay each by members of Jom’s editorial team, and many others, all within the themes of “Activism”, “Ecology” and “Music”.


Featuring original work around the themes of “Housing”, “Leftists” and the “Arts”, including a foldout housing map by Kontinentalist.

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