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Opposition parties form coalitions, sexual violence doesn’t discriminate, Forward SG report released, lessons from Algeria’s war of independence, Peter Yu fast becoming the Tony Leung of Singapore, SPH Media acquires Tech in Asia, and more. 

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Dear reader, Today we’ve published an essay, “Magical thinking: shaping sand for our dreams”, by Aleithia Low, a peace studies graduate student at the University of Notre Dame, who’s currently in Colombia researching restorative justice, environmental justice and trauma healing in the country’s post-Peace Accords context. It’...

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Objectifying language in ads for domestic workers, work culture at AirAsia enables CEO to attend meeting bare-chested, science fiction mythologies at ArtScience Museum, one giant leap for Singapore’s space exploration ambitions, and more.

Our latest product


Not just another tote bag, but a better one. Stylish, durable and versatile, thanks to roomy external pockets and a flat base inside. And you get to tell the world: write, read, think, act.


[Bundle] Get a 10 percent discount when you buy both together.


Featuring an essay each by members of Jom’s editorial team, and many others, all within the themes of “Activism”, “Ecology” and “Music”.


Featuring original work around the themes of “Housing”, “Leftists” and the “Arts”, including a foldout housing map by Kontinentalist.

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