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Chirag Agarwal   |  

Given Singapore's size and system of government, MPs here have a uniquely broad remit with an accompanying intense workload. And yet, even with their bumper pay packets, almost all choose to have second jobs.

Jom   |  

Less diplomatic takes on Xi Jinping's third term, IPS study on food costs vs the reality, linking Oscar-winner Yeoh's success to Singapore, NHB's bid to have another monument recognised as UNESCO World Heritage Site, and more.

Jom   |  

Dear reader, Today, Jom has published a commentary on an issue that has gripped political observers in Singapore this past month: “Did the PAP mischaracterise the WP’s housing proposals?” Our conclusion, after having scrutinised remarks by the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP) and a 2019 housing paper by...

Jom   |  

More awareness of invisible disabilities needed, the Lee-Li saga plays out online, migrant writers get a new website, Ninja Van does PR, and more.

Jom   |  

Dear reader, Jom now has over 700 paying subscribers, including many foreigners. You don’t have to be a citizen to enjoy Jom! (A question I get.) We’re a registered, legit subscription product, no different to (eeks) The Straits Times. Please get a paid subscription if you enjoy our...

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