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Singapore hands corrupt Keppel executives "stern warnings" for bribery scheme, Checkpoint Theatre's 2023 season opens with play exploring race and masculinity, 60th anniversary of Operation Coldstore, and more.

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Dear reader, Happy year of the rabbit! Among the celebrity rabbits around are Michael Jordan, Angelina Jolie, Indranee Rajah and Jamus Lim. I’m not sure what exactly characterises “rabbits” because the internet is flooded with definitions. Here’s one from our self-proclaimed, “credible, trustworthy” source, The Straits Times (ST)...

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Pandemic fakery among anti-vaxxers, rent-a-date picks up, Life Theatre Awards' nominees, Zilingo's fall from grace, and more.

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Dear reader, What does it mean to be a Singaporean abroad? How can we touch others overseas through our lives and work? And how might we be changed, how can we grow, through that process? These questions have been on my mind after a recent trip to Siem Reap, Cambodia,...

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