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Faris Joraimi   |  

The nation as a concept is so new and limited. For most of recorded history people tended to identify with their city, town or village first. To cherish the Singapore of “Saint Jack” opens up a different kind of belonging.


Our logo is influenced by Jawi, a script that originated in the 14th century in the wider Malay world. Though Jawi has been replaced by the Latin alphabet in most parts of Malaysia and Indonesia, one does occasionally see it.

Jom   |  

Dear reader, Quick announcement. There are now over 1,500 of you subscribed to this newsletter. Hooray! Thanks for following Jom. We want to grow the community. So if you enjoy this newsletter, please forward it to your like-minded friends and fam! OK, back to ‘jom’... Though we love our...

Jom   |  

Dear reader, Welcome! Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. (And if somebody forwarded this to you, do consider subscribing here.) Today I want to explain what we’re doing, why we’re doing it, how we’re different and, perhaps most importantly, what role you can play as a...

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