After being told that he was “morbidly obese”, and realising that his health was at risk, Donald Low, a behavioural economist, embarked on a mission to regain his health and fitness, by applying five insights from his discipline.
“Not Without Us” is a collection of essays presenting voices that explore the personal and political of living with a disability in Singapore.
A Shift in the Wind is a "time capsule", written 37 years ago by a group of people in their 20s and 30s. It captures the exuberant months after 1984's general election, when two opposition leaders won seats in Parliament, and young Singaporeans believed that democracy would prevail.
What next for the queer movement; marriage equality or broader policy demands? And all while negotiating the state’s potential to co-opt and control.
While ‘resilience’ is an important quality for individuals and social systems to have, the frequency with which the state exploits it has become problematic.
Does Singapore have what it takes to become a true sporting nation? Perhaps, but first, it'll require the collective effort of the entire country to embrace the spirit of sportsmanship.