The pursuit of racial harmony, backed up by a corpus of laws and penalties, may come at the expense of genuine racial justice.
A senior counsel offers suggestions for how the government’s upcoming review should be carried out to ensure its credibility and effectiveness.
Two malls take their final bow, leaving us with dreamy memories of time gone.
Over two years, Singapore has risen in position from 160 to 129, thanks in part to the media environment deteriorating in other countries, writes Jom's editor-in-chief, who's on the survey panel. He suggests how Singapore can further liberalise its media landscape.
In and around public housing estates, there is a trend where a greater mixing of ethnicities is accompanied by less socioeconomic mixing. By focusing on the former, Singapore may be paying insufficient attention to the latter.
Among other peculiarities, the public prosecutor chose to proceed on the lightest charge, on only one false statement, and using only two of the many bits of evidence. Its submission, said the judge, "read like a mitigation and were lifted wholesale and repeated for effect by the defence."