
Faris Joraimi   |  

As former British colonies, Malaya and Palestine were connected by the same global structures of domination, which survive to the present day. In this essay, Jom's history editor recovers the intricate threads that continue to involve Singapore in Palestine’s ongoing occupation and resistance.

Abhishek Mehrotra   |  

Hong Lim Park is at once a space for seeking identity, making speeches, forming memories, affirming equality, and at its core, a simple patch of green for recreational purposes. How has it stood the ravages of time as a place for sketching and imprinting self and nationhood?

Abhishek Mehrotra   |  

Havelock, Neill and Outram, "heroes" of the 1857 war in India, were brutal, murderous generals. Singapore's street names offer an avenue to discover our colonial past, and also a path to understand our future.

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