
Jom's newsletters combine weekly updates about Singapore with a "build-in-public" narrative, in which we tell readers about our start-up journey. Sign up at the bottom of this page.

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Dear reader, “Singapore This Week”.  * Why Ng Chee Meng is the luckiest Singaporean * Lawrence Wong rubber-stamps a Palestinian initiative * The floundering shoe recycling project by SportSG and Dow * Singapore’s “post and boast” fraudsters * A roadmap towards ending the ferrying of workers in the backs of lorries * Masjid Madani, a...

Jom   |  

Dear reader, Events. 6pm, March 24th at the Book Bar. I’ll be in conversation with Tay Kheng Soon, veteran architect, about his latest book, Future of Singapore?; his call to decentralise governance here; why he feels we’re not short of land; and much more. I’m sure the...

Jom   |  

Dear reader, Happy International Women’s Day! Well, it’s actually tomorrow, and we’ve got some relevant content below to keep you company this weekend. Why do we talk about Palestine, but not Ukraine? One of you asked this in the wake of last Friday’s Oval Office testosterone...

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Dear reader,  Singapore’s next GE is due by November but could be as soon as May. As it approaches, socio-political activity is intensifying, and we’ve analysed the key events in our weekly digest. “Singapore This Week”.  * How will the PAP respond to Tan Cheng Bock at the next...

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Dear reader, Jom’s new head of research. Sakinah Safiee, our current social media manager, will also be taking on the duties of head of research. “Saki” emerged as our top pick after an intense recruitment involving over 40 applications (thank you, all). Saki’s replacing Jean Hew (aka Employee...

Jom   |  

Dear reader, Letters to the editor. Thanks, Isaac Neo and Max Yeo, two former gifted education programme (GEP) students, for your responses to fellow alumni Faith Ho’s reflections.  A feisty CPF debate. Thanks, Shawn Low, for questioning some of the arguments put forth by Bobby Jayaraman in “Why Singapore’...

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