Dear reader,
Jom’s first print issue is now on sale for S$36, which includes domestic shipping. I’m really excited about the breadth of content. There’s our usual Jom fare, including “Singapore This Year”, with contributions from our entire team, and a profile of Prashant Somosundram, general...
Dear reader,
Today we’ve published an essay, “Magical thinking: shaping sand for our dreams”, by Aleithia Low, a peace studies graduate student at the University of Notre Dame, who’s currently in Colombia researching restorative justice, environmental justice and trauma healing in the country’s post-Peace Accords context.
Dear reader,
Today, we have a wonderful addition to our line-up of Earth essays, “Lessons from Green Circle Eco Farm: honouring a diverse, biocultural community”, by Ethel Pang, first-time Jom contributor.
But I’d like to start by discussing Israel and Palestine. In last week’s newsletter, I spoke about...
Dear reader,
It’s been one of those weeks when we’re left gasping for air.
First, a shooting in a Bangkok mall, so close to home that we worry about friends who might have been there, and by a perpetrator so young that we’re left with a deep...
Dear reader,
Over 100 people have bought tickets for our next “Jom cakap”, at 7pm on October 16th, at The Projector. It features three of Asia’s top journalists: Shibani Mahtani of The Washington Post, Karishma Vaswani of Bloomberg Opinion, and Sue-Lin Wong of The Economist.
I think this is...
Dear reader,
We’re super excited about Jom’s next live event at 7pm on Monday, October 16th, at The Projector. “Jom cakap, let’s talk: correspondents in Asia—how three top journalists cover our region” will feature Shibani Mahtani, Karishma Vaswani and Sue-Lin Wong.
Shibani is an international investigative...