
Jom's newsletters combine weekly updates about Singapore with a "build-in-public" narrative, in which we tell readers about our start-up journey. Sign up at the bottom of this page.

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Dear reader, Letters to the editor. Thanks, Isaac Neo and Max Yeo, two former gifted education programme (GEP) students, for your responses to fellow alumni Faith Ho’s reflections.  A feisty CPF debate. Thanks, Shawn Low, for questioning some of the arguments put forth by Bobby Jayaraman in “Why Singapore’...

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Dear reader, “Singapore This Week”.  * The most important political developments ahead of the general election  * How is the state cracking down on anti-death penalty activists? * Orchard Towers, vice den turned Christian worship centre * Why are Singaporean millennials and Gen Zs less likely to drink and party late? * The legacy of...

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Dear reader, Happy Chinese New Year! And for those who missed last week’s very topical essay, do check out “The unbearable silence of Chinese New Year”, which examines an almost universal aspect of being Asian: family gatherings.  “Singapore This Week”. In our weekly digest, we examine Donald Trump’s...

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Dear reader, “Letters to the Editor”. Reader responses add so much to the conversation, and this week we have two. First, Shawn Loh questions some of Bobby Jayaraman’s arguments about the use of our CPF monies and reserves. Second, Joshua Wong wonders if the protest against local academic links...

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Dear reader, “Singapore This Week”. In our weekly digest, we look at the latest protest against Singapore’s military ties to Israel; the commodification of mental health; the generational impact of childhood abuse; nationalist history being peddled again in Malaysia; fractional art ownership; the shocking unspooling of eFishery; and more....

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