Changing attitudes to cannabis, the wheat and chicken crisis, protecting against harmful online content, Baybeats is back, circular economies, and more.
Singapore This Week
Singapore This Week is one of Jom’s paid products. It is meant to be your end-of-week catchup. We will decide on the most important stories that week–from arts to politics and tech–and we will offer you Jom’s opinionated view on them. We’re hoping you’ll occasionally (often?) disagree with us.
Tharman Shanmugaratnam on moving multiculturalism beyond public and common spaces, green initiatives at the Grand Prix, producing alt-meat using magnetic pulses, and much more.
The rich and their good class bungalows, ISD and the thought police, workplace discrimination, Singapore Writers Festival, TikTok's future, and more
Book of reflections from NMPs, collecting your DNA, new status on state symbols, Jakarta Concert Orchestra, Shopee shuts down further, and more.
Philippines president's state visit, new net zero targets by 2050, largest exhibition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art, rail connections to Malaysia, and more.
Schooling's cannabis revelation, a chatbot to soothe teachers' mental health, workers' lawsuit dismissed, Singapore's oldest literary award turns 30, celebrating Hari Merdeka, and more.