Singapore This Week

Singapore This Week is one of Jom’s paid products. It is meant to be your end-of-week catchup. We will decide on the most important stories that week–from arts to politics and tech–and we will offer you Jom’s opinionated view on them. We’re hoping you’ll occasionally (often?) disagree with us.

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Workers’ Party chief charged with two counts of lying, gender equality not a “zero-sum” game, in whom do we trust, saving the Singapore Indoor Stadium, Eugene Tan’s many hats, the countdown on TikTok in the US, and more.

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All in favour of Budget said ‘aye’, Singaporean couples prefer to stop at one, the spread of misinformation about Singapore in China, drag queen Kira Moon allegedly assaulted after night out, ‘no questions asked’ tickets to Checkpoint Theatre’s shows, Shiok Meats and Umami Bioworks merge, and more.

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Making politicians’ asset declarations public, face-shaming litterbugs, the historical threads of Glass and Swift’s musical repertoires, Kampong Gelam artwalk, Temasek in early discussions to invest in OpenAI, and more.

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Another blow for PSP, MOE under fire for its attempt to teach students about Palestine, Singapore criticised for exclusive Taylor Swift deal, literary pioneer Suratman Markasan dies at 94, an art exhibition by seniors for seniors, Grab in the black for the first time, and more.

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Spoils of Budget 2024, more Singaporeans getting serious on dating apps, embracing death and celebrating life through living funerals, Ubisoft launches Singapore game mired in controversy, Singapore International Festival of Arts, more budget allocation to tech development, and more. 

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The use of Singapore’s reserves according to the prime minister, are Singaporeans being priced out of owning land, putting on one’s game face to deal with cyberbullying, crimes of passion on Valentine’s Day, kids discovering the arts, and more. 

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